Archive | April 2011

Camping in

Since moving in on Saturday, we have essentially been camping out in our apartment… or rather, camping in.

You see, when we moved to China, we left behind of all of our possessions.  Upon our return from China, we had even less due to the demise of both one suitcase and approximately half of our clothes.  What we had left is all that we owned aside from my wedding dress and a few sentimental items stored at my Grandma’s house.  It is absolutely freeing and totally awesome to travel so lightly and live so simply!  However, it does make a for a bit of camping in our apartment while we scour Portland for free and/or dirt cheap furniture.

Camping in has been quite an adventure.  We got the bare essentials for our apartment at Target on Saturday when we moved in: soap, toilet paper, plastic dishes, pillows, and a down alternative comforter.  Let me tell you… the carpet was rough that first night we spent on the floor.  Since then, a friend has graciously let us borrow her air mattress until we can obtain a mattress, which will definitely be one of the first items of furniture we attempt to acquire.

Along with a mattress, we will also be searching for chairs.  Sitting on the floor only is not always the most comfortable thing in the world.  Eating on the floor can also be a tad awkward, especially when I’m afraid that I’ll splash Ramen noodles all over.  Thankfully we do have a refrigerator and a stove, so we can finally cook our own food!  I love cooking and am super stoked to begin experimenting with recipes!  Now to find some cooking utensils and dishes to add to the saucepan I found at the Salvation Army… 🙂

Camping in aside, we have our own apartment!  I can deal with a little discomfort; I’m just grateful to be in a place of our own!  Being semi-homeless for the past three months has taught me a lot; I can’t wait to share my apartment with others who need a place to stay.

If you had to pack all of your belongings into one suitcase and a backpack, what would you pack?

Home sweet home

As on 3:30pm PST Saturday, John and I finally have an apartment!

The apartment complex called earlyish on Saturday morning and informed us that we had been approved.  We met with the office staff that afternoon to sign a forty-nine page lease, then moved our two suitcases, two backpacks, tote, and messenger bag into our two bedroom unfurnished apartment.

Though bare, we have a home!  It’s our very first paid-for-by-us home!  I’m so excited!

More details to follow 🙂

Gainfully employed, but still homeless

I got offered a job at Coffee Shop yesterday!  Hip, hip, hooray!

Of course, I accepted!  Training begins next week.  🙂

I also asked my new boss to write the letter the apartment complex required of us stating that I had a job.  Thankfully, he agreed to do so, and I picked it up yesterday afternoon and took it to the apartment complex.  However, though the letter was exactly what the apartment asked for, they decided that it simply wasn’t good enough.  They want an actual HR offer letter.

Here’s the catch.  Coffee Shop does not have official HR offer letters for its employees.  So I don’t know exactly what to do, but my boss is graciously working with me and said he would do some research to see what we can show the apartment complex later today.  Here’s hoping that the apartment complex actually agrees to work with us.

All I know at this point is that God will be glorified through our situation somehow, and that may not be in a way that I understand.  Also, John and I are now officially homeless, even though I have a job.  I am trying to focus on things that I am thankful for, such as having had a place to stay for the last three weeks, a new friend who let us stay last night, a job, a boss who is willing to work with me, and a loving husband.  God is good.

I’ll keep you all updated!

Wait… what?

Was there ever a time in your life during which you felt as if you were the last person in the world to find out something about related to or about you?

Well I feel like that right now.  I had my interview with Boss Man (who shall remain nameless) on Monday at 3pm.  The interview went really, really well.  At the end, he said he would contact by Thursday.  While I wanted to be hired instantaneously, I know that there is a corporate procedure to follow.

However, as Lo and I drove to her apartment, she told me that she asked Boss Man if I got the job.  He said that I did.  Also, he told her to tell me to have a um… shall we say… less than good interview with the Other Manager (also to remain nameless) on Tuesday.  Encouraged by this, while simultaneously wishing Boss Man would just hire me, I decided to focus on Tuesday while I waited.

While I was in the shower Tuesday morning, I missed a call from the Other Manager.  He left a voicemail saying that he had spoken with Boss Man and wanted to postpone my interview until after I heard back from Boss Man.

Wait… what?

Boss Man told both Lo and the Other Manager that he was going to hire me, but still hasn’t told me.  Really?  Why am I the last person to find out?  While I’m happy (overjoyed really) that I have a job, I would really love for Boss Man to tell me so that he can give me an offer letter and let me get started with training.  Once I have an offer letter, I can sign a lease on an apartment finally!  Signing a lease has been a long time coming, and I can’t wait to actually do so.  Also, I could use a paycheck, which will come only after I start training.  Both the apartment and the paycheck are much needed at this point, so I would love to know that I have a job, meaning I would love for Boss Man to officially hire me.

In the meantime, I’ve been traversing through the interview process at The Shop.  It’s been quite the unique experience.  When I first stopped by to check on the status of my application, I was told that the position had been filled.  Less than a week later, I got a call from Hiring Manager (yet another person to remain nameless, but will also be known as Midwestern Manager in future posts).  We more or less had a first interview on the phone for a permanent part-time position, and at the end of the call, she asked if I could come in the next day to officially interview.  Last Tuesday, we had a great interview, and at the conclusion of the interview she told me that she wanted me to meet Second Manager for a second interview.  So on Wednesday when Second Manager called, we scheduled an interview for Thursday night, during which we had a fantastic litte chat.  She said that she would talk with Hiring Manager over the weekend since Hiring Manager had the next few days off.

Two days ago, after giving Second and Hiring Managers the weekend and Monday to converse, I called to follow up with Hiring Manager.  She was thrilled to hear from me, saying that I was on her list to call that day.  In fact, would it be possible for me to wear all black and come in on Wednesday to work on the floor a bit and meet the District Manager?  That way, the District Manager would have a face to put with a name when she conducts our phone interview early next week. I agreed to come in and had a lot of fun doing so.  It was relaxing and encouraging since Hiring Manager and Curly-haired Coworker seemed to really like me.  Also, both Hiring Manager and District Manager appreciated my flexibility and willingness to come in.  I suppose we’ll find out just how much District Manager likes me during my interview next week.  After that interview, I think I should be offered a job.  If not, I’ll at least know what to expect from interviews after the extensive process I’ve been through!  While the process if a tad frustrating since I really need a job, I totally understand and respect the process and the fact that The Shop cares enough about its employees and its company to make sure that each and every person hired really fits the company.

So it is now Thursday, and I am still waiting for a job (a.k.a. a phone call from Boss Man).  I’ll let you know when I finally obtain employment!

To do

I’m a big fan of lists.  For some reason, lists de-stress me and help me organize my thoughts.  Since I don’t have too much time to blog at the moment, I thought I’d post a list of things I either need or want to do in the near(ish) future in no specific order.

  1. Get a job!  I have three solid prospects right now (including an interview this afternoon!), so that shouldn’t be too terribly hard.
  2. Sign a lease for an apartment!  This will happen as soon as I have a job.
  3. Get a bed.  Sleeping on an air mattress for 3 months is starting to mess with my back and prevent me from sleeping.  I’m tired of being tired.
  4. Download music from iTunes.  My Grandma gave me iTunes gift cards, and I have yet to use them (mostly because I keep leaving them at home. Fail on my part.)
  5. Cook.  I’ve missed cooking and baking, so I’m very much ready to have a kitchen again.
  6. Watch a movie.  Sometimes I just need to chill out.
  7. Go to the Portland Art Museum.  It’s free this coming Friday!
  8. Take pictures of Portland.  Beauty surrounds me, but I have yet to capture it to share with you all.  Tisk, tisk.
  9. Go for a bike ride.  Of course, I must purchase a bicycle first, but still this is something I really want to do.
  10. Decorate my apartment.  Enough said.  This will include candles.
  11. Sleep.  I haven’t been doing that too well recently.  See #3.
  12. Read a book.  A much loved and sorely neglected hobby.
  13. Blog.  Doing that now, but I need to keep doing that on a daily basis.
  14. Start a new project.  As if I didn’t have enough already…
  15. Write a novel, which entails getting the perfectionist out of my head.  Much easier said than done, though at least it is started already.
  16. Go grocery shopping, or at least eat.  I need food.
  17. Have a date with John.  We need to do something fun and explore Portland.
  18. Call or email my friends that currently reside in the Eastern Standard Time zone.  I really do want to keep in touch with them.

I think that’s about it for now, so I’m going to publish this and go read.  What do you need or want to do in the near future?